FINDERDOC.COM – AF Form 688c – Armed Transfer Agent – AF Form 688c is a document used by the United States Air Force to designate personnel who are responsible for the transfer of firearms and other weapons systems within their respective units. The form is an important component in ensuring that all necessary security measures are taken when transferring such items from one location to another. It is essential that those appointed as an Armed Transfer Agent have proper training and follow established procedures to ensure the safety of personnel, property, weapons systems, and any other related assets.
Download AF Form 688c – Armed Transfer Agent
Form Number | AF Form 688c |
Form Title | Armed Transfer Agent |
File Size | 278 KB |
Date | 20-03-2014 |
What is an AF Form 688c?
An AF Form 688c is a document used by the US Air Force for the purpose of transferring funds within a unit or between units. Specifically, it is used to authorize and record the transfer of funds from one organizational account to another. The form serves as an official record and must be signed by both parties involved in the transaction.
The form consists of four parts: Part I (Instructions), Part II (Transfer Authorization), Part III (Certification by Receiving Organization) and Part IV (Transmittal Certificate). It also requires that all information provided on the form be accurate and complete, so it is important for those completing it to provide accurate data. In addition, any changes or corrections to the form must be initialed by both parties before submitting it for approval.
What is the Purpose of AF Form 688c?
AF Form 688c is an agreement between two government agencies that enables the transfer of weapons, nuclear materials, and other sensitive items. It is also known as the Armed Transfer Agent Agreement. The purpose of AF Form 688c is to ensure that all parties involved in a transfer are aware of their responsibilities and liabilities when handling these items. It also outlines details such as the type and quantity of assets being transferred, the chain of custody for assets, and any legal requirements related to the transfer. Additionally, it serves as a way to document that both parties have fulfilled their obligations during the transfer process.
The AF Form 688c must be completed by representatives from both agencies prior to any exchange or shipment taking place. This form provides legal protection for both parties against any kind of negligence or liability associated with transferring sensitive items.
Where Can I Find an AF Form 688c?
An AF Form 688c is an official form issued by the United States Air Force that must be filled out and signed by a transfer agent in order to authorize the movement of armed personnel. The form serves as proof that the agent has properly authorized and cleared the transfer of personnel, ensuring safety and security on the base.
The form can be obtained directly from a unit or organization designated as an “Armed Transfer Agent” (ATA) or through their supervisor or Commanding Officer. ATAs are typically located at most major US Air Force installations across the country. Additionally, this document can also be found online through various websites such as e-Publishing, which provides up-to-date versions of all USAF forms for downloading or printing.
AF Form 688c – Armed Transfer Agent
AF Form 688c provides a way for the Air Force to transfer officers and enlisted personnel from one base to another. This form is used when an individual is assigned to a new location, either permanent or temporary. It allows the transferring unit to document information about the individual such as rank, marital status, education level, and security clearance. It also includes an official statement of consent from the member’s current unit commander.
The Air Force requires that all transfers be approved by both the gaining and losing commanders before it can take effect. This makes sure that no personnel are transferred without their knowledge or consent. AF Form 688c is necessary for any officer or enlisted airman who makes a permanent change of station (PCS). It serves as proof that they have received permission from their former commander to move on to their new assignment.
AF Form 688c Example