FINDERDOC.COM – G-28 Form – Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative – The G-28 form (Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative) is an important document that must be filed when immigrating to the United States. It serves as a way for non-citizens to inform the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) that they have chosen an attorney or accredited representative to represent them during their immigration proceedings. This form is essential in ensuring that immigrants are legally represented during their applications, interviews, and appeals. The process for filing a G-28 can be intimidating but understanding what it entails can make it simpler.
Download G-28 Form – Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative
Form Number | G-28 Form |
Form Title | Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative |
File Size | 392 KB |
Form By | USCIS Forms |
What is a G-28 Form?
A G-28 form is an official document issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). This form serves as a notice of entry of appearance as an attorney or accredited representative for a person who is filing a petition or application with USCIS. The G-28 form must be signed by the petitioner, petitioner’s attorney, or petitioner’s accredited representative.
The purpose of this form is to provide information to USCIS regarding the authorized agent who will represent the petitioner in all matters related to their immigration case. This includes providing legal advice, filing applications, attending hearings and interviews, and representing a client before any USCIS office. The G-28 also authorizes USCIS to communicate directly with the representative listed on the form instead of communicating directly with the applicant or petitioner.
What is the Purpose of the G-28 Form?
The G-28 Form is an important document used by attorneys and accredited representatives to formally enter their appearance before the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). This form serves as proof of their representation in all immigration proceedings.
A completed G-28 Form is necessary when filing an application, petition or request for a person seeking immigration benefits, allowing the attorney or representative to act on behalf of that individual. It authorizes USCIS to communicate with the attorney or representative about any relevant information concerning the case. Additionally, this form indicates that the individual has given permission for their attorney or representative to access any confidential information regarding them in connection with the proceedings.
Because this form provides essential proof of representation, failure to provide it can result in delays and denials of applications filed on behalf of clients.
Where Can I Find a G-28 Form?
A G-28 Form is a legal document used to authorize an attorney or accredited representative to appear on behalf of an individual in immigration court. This form can be obtained from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) website, as well as other sources.
The G-28 Form must be completed by the attorney or accredited representative, notarized and then submitted to the EOIR along with supporting documentation such as a copy of the individual’s identification documents and any relevant legal authority letters. In addition to being sent directly to the EOIR by mail or fax, many attorneys will submit this form through an online filing system for easier tracking purposes.
It is important that all information provided on this form is accurate and up-to-date in order for it to be accepted for use in court proceedings.
G-28 Form – Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative
The G-28 Form is used by attorneys and accredited representatives to notify the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) of their entry into a case. The form also allows the attorney or representative to designate which cases they are representing a person for. This form allows USCIS to identify who will be helping the applicant in their immigration case, and it ensures that communication from USCIS goes directly to the attorney or accredited representative instead of the applicant.
For an attorney to properly complete this form, they must first fill out part 1 with information about themselves, including their name, address, phone number, fax number (if applicable), email address (if applicable), bar number (for attorneys), etc. Then in part 2 they must enter information about each client they are representing on behalf of USCIS.
G-28 Form Example