FINDERDOC.COM – AF Form 724 – Airman Comprehensive Assessment Worksheet (2lt Thru Col) – The Air Force provides an invaluable tool for assessing Airmen in the form of the AF Form 724: Airman Comprehensive Assessment Worksheet. This form is used to evaluate officers from the rank of 2nd Lieutenant (2LT) up through Colonel (COL), providing a comprehensive overview of their skills and abilities that can be used to inform decisions in their career.
Download AF Form 724 – Airman Comprehensive Assessment Worksheet (2lt Thru Col)
Form Number | AF Form 724 |
Form Title | Airman Comprehensive Assessment Worksheet (2lt Thru Col) |
File Size | 46 KB |
Date | 01-07-2014 |
What is an AF Form 724?
AF Form 724, also known as the Airman Comprehensive Assessment Worksheet, is a document used by the United States Air Force to evaluate its personnel. The form is designed for officers in the ranks of Second Lieutenant through Colonel and serves as a tool to assess their performance and identify areas for improvement. The assessment worksheet includes sections on leadership, mission accomplishment, personal development, job knowledge, communication skills, and physical fitness.
The form requires a rating from one to five for each section based on specific criteria outlined in the instructions. Additionally, there are spaces for comments and recommendations from both the officer being evaluated and their supervisor. The AF Form 724 is typically completed annually or at least once every two years depending on an officer’s rank and duty assignment.
Overall, the AF Form 724 provides valuable feedback to officers about their performance while also serving as a way for supervisors to track progress over time. By identifying areas that need improvement or further development, officers can focus on enhancing their skills and becoming better leaders within the USAF.
What is the Purpose of AF Form 724?
AF Form 724, also known as the Airman Comprehensive Assessment Worksheet, is used by the United States Air Force to evaluate and document an airman’s performance. The form is typically used for airmen ranked from Second Lieutenant through Colonel. The purpose of the AF Form 724 is to provide a comprehensive assessment of an airman’s duty performance and potential.
The AF Form 724 has several sections that cover different aspects of an airman’s performance, including leadership ability, job knowledge and technical expertise, communication skills, training proficiency, and overall character. It allows supervisors to examine strengths and weaknesses in these areas so they can provide targeted feedback for improvement. Additionally, the form serves as a record of an airman’s progress over time.
Overall, the AF Form 724 plays an important role in helping the Air Force maintain its high level of readiness by ensuring that its personnel are performing at their best. By providing a structured evaluation process that focuses on key areas of performance and potential, it helps identify areas for improvement while recognizing outstanding achievement.
Where Can I Find an AF Form 724?
An AF Form 724 is an important document for Airman in the United States Air Force. It is used to provide a comprehensive assessment of an individual’s performance, potential and areas for development. This form is typically used by officers ranked from second lieutenant through colonel.
If you are looking for a copy of this form, there are several places where you can find it. One option is to visit your local military installation or base. There, you can speak with someone in the personnel office who can assist you in obtaining a copy of AF Form 724.
Another option is to search online. Many military websites offer downloadable copies of this form in PDF format. However, it’s important to ensure that you are downloading a current version of the form that meets any specific requirements set forth by your unit or base leadership.
AF Form 724 – Airman Comprehensive Assessment Worksheet (2lt Thru Col)
AF Form 724, also known as the Airman Comprehensive Assessment Worksheet, is a tool used by supervisors to assess the performance and potential of their subordinates. This form is designed for use with officers ranging from second lieutenants through colonels in the United States Air Force. The assessment worksheet serves as a developmental tool that guides discussions between supervisors and subordinates while providing feedback on performance.
The AF Form 724 includes six categories of evaluation: job proficiency, leadership, followership, resource management, personal readiness and adaptability. Each category is rated on a scale of one to five based on specific criteria listed on the form. The supervisor must provide detailed comments for each rating given to support their assessment. The ratings help identify areas in which the airman excels and areas where improvement may be necessary.
Overall, the AF Form 724 provides an opportunity for both supervisors and subordinates to discuss goals and expectations for future assignments or promotions. It helps identify strengths that can be utilized in future positions or assignments while providing insights into areas where development may be needed. By using this comprehensive assessment tool effectively, officers can improve their performance and achieve their full potential within the United States Air Force.
AF Form 724 Example