FINDERDOC.COM – AF Form 348 – Line Of Duty Determination – AF Form 348, also known as the Line of Duty Determination, is a document used by the U.S. Air Force to investigate and evaluate cases involving injuries or illness resulting from active service or duty. This form is used to determine whether an illness or injury was sustained while on active duty, as well as whether the individual is entitled to medical benefits or other compensation based on their service-related disability.
Download AF Form 348 – Line Of Duty Determination
Form Number | AF Form 348 |
Form Title | Line Of Duty Determination |
File Size | 75 KB |
Date | 16-10-2020 |
What is an AF Form 348?
An AF Form 348 is an official document that is used in the United States Air Force for determining a service member’s line of duty status. It is primarily used to determine eligibility for disability payments, benefits and entitlements. The form must be completed by the service member and then submitted to their commanders or supervisors for review.
On the form, the service member must provide basic information such as name, rank, organization and date of the incident. They will also need to explain what happened during the incident that caused them to require medical attention or other assistance. Additionally, they must indicate whether their condition was attributable to military duty or some other cause. Information gathered from witnesses and medical records may also be required on this form in order to make a determination of line of duty status.
What is the Purpose of AF Form 348?
The AF Form 348, also known as the Line of Duty Determination (LOD), is an essential document for determining whether an illness or injury was sustained in the line of duty. This form helps to establish the eligibility for benefits such as disability compensation, medical care and other services related to a service-related disability or death. The purpose of this form is to provide both the Air Force and its personnel with a clear understanding of their rights and privileges in these cases.
In order to receive these benefits, a service member must prove that they were injured while on active duty status. Through completion of an AF Form 348, an LOD can be established either by physical evaluation board (PEB) findings or statements provided by witnesses at the scene. Depending on the circumstances, additional supporting evidence may be required to ensure all necessary information has been provided.
Where Can I Find an AF Form 348?
AF Form 348 is a document used to initiate a Line of Duty (LOD) Determination for an Air Force member. It is available from the Air Force’s e-publishing website, which provides access to all official forms and publications. To find AF Form 348, go to the ‘Air Force Forms Management Office’ subheading at the bottom of the homepage and select ‘Search Air Force Forms’. Type in “AF Form 348” in the search bar and it will appear as one of your results.
You can also obtain AF Form 348 from your unit or base Personnel Flight office or directly from your supervisor if you are on active duty. The form should be completed accurately and submitted along with any medical information related to the incident that resulted in injury or illness in order for an LOD Determination to be made.
AF Form 348 – Line Of Duty Determination
The AF Form 348 – Line Of Duty (LOD) Determination is an important form used by the United States Air Force to confirm if a member of the service has suffered an injury or illness in line with their duties. The results of this form can have significant impacts on everything from the individual’s medical care and retirement benefits to their pay and promotion eligibility. This document outlines the specifics of the AF Form 348, including what information is included, how it’s completed, and how it affects members of the US Air Force.
AF Form 348 Example