FINDERDOC.COM – AF Form 686 – Substantive Investigations Record Check Summary – The AF Form 686 is a document used by the U.S. Air Force to track and report the results of an investigation into an individual’s background. This form provides a comprehensive summary of the findings from such investigations, including any criminal or security-related records uncovered during the process. It is important for personnel to understand what information may be revealed during a substantive investigation record check and how it can affect their future career opportunities in the Air Force.
Download AF Form 686 – Substantive Investigations Record Check Summary
Form Number | AF Form 686 |
Form Title | Substantive Investigations Record Check Summary |
File Size | 232 KB |
Date | 05-08-2019 |
What is an AF Form 686?
An AF Form 686, also known as a Substantive Investigations Record Check Summary, is a form used by the United States Air Force to conduct background and security checks on its personnel. This form contains records of all investigations conducted and the results of those investigations, including any disciplinary action taken against an individual. The purpose of this form is to ensure that all personnel in the Air Force are abiding by appropriate regulations and rules.
The information requested on this form includes current contact information, educational background, work history, family members’ names and addresses, military service record numbers and any criminal or civil actions taken against the person being investigated. All of this data is collected to determine if the individual has any history that could be deemed detrimental to their position in the Air Force or potentially put national security at risk.
What is the Purpose of AF Form 686?
The AF Form 686, also known as the Substantive Investigations Record Check Summary, is a document issued by the United States Air Force (USAF) that helps to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The form is used to summarize an individual’s background investigation conducted by the USAF. This record check provides a comprehensive assessment of an individual’s history, criminal records, and other important information.
The purpose of this form is to help ensure that all personnel employed within the USAF meet certain standards of conduct and qualification for their position. By completing this form and submitting it to the appropriate authorities for review, an organization can confirm that its personnel are in compliance with applicable rules and regulations. The AF Form 686 serves as evidence that all individuals have been properly vetted and approved for employment or assignment within the USAF organization.
Where Can I Find an AF Form 686?
The AF Form 686, also known as the Substantive Investigations Record Check Summary, is an important document for members of the U.S. Air Force and must be completed prior to any assignment being issued. This form can easily be found online on the official website of the Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC). The AFPC website contains all forms related to personnel records, including the AF Form 686. Additionally, each member’s individual military chain of command will have a copy of this form available in their office or through their administrative systems.
Members should contact their local unit personnel office if they are unable to locate a copy of this form or need assistance in completing it correctly.
AF Form 686 – Substantive Investigations Record Check Summary
AF Form 686, also known as the Substantive Investigations Record Check Summary, is an official Air Force form used to record a summary of the individual’s investigation. It serves as a reference document and helps establish the individual’s trustworthiness or credibility within their organization. This form must be completed by representatives of each investigative organization within the Air Force.
The purpose of this form is to provide evidence and details regarding any substantiated investigations or reports conducted by or on behalf of the Air Force. This includes inquiries into an individual’s background, character, mental health and physical health records, security clearance history, drug testing results and other pertinent information that may be necessary when evaluating potential applicants for service in the armed forces. The information gathered from this form can also be used for administrative purposes such as granting awards or promotions within the service.
AF Form 686 Example