FINDERDOC.COM – AF Form 707 – Officer Performance Report (Lt Thru Col) – The Officer Performance Report (AF Form 707) is an important document in the United States Air Force. It is used to assess and evaluate the performance of officers from Lieutenant through Colonel in the US Air Force. The report is designed to provide information about an officer’s qualifications for promotion, retention, and professional development. The report also serves as a tool to ensure that all officers are held to the same standards of excellence.
Download AF Form 707 – Officer Performance Report (Lt Thru Col)
Form Number | AF Form 707 |
Form Title | Officer Performance Report (Lt Thru Col) |
File Size | 69 KB |
Date | 31-07-2015 |
What is a AF Form 707?
AF Form 707 is a standardized form used by the United States Air Force to evaluate and document the performance of its officers. This form is specifically designed for officers who hold the rank of lieutenant through colonel. The purpose of this form is to provide an accurate assessment of an officer’s performance in various areas, including leadership, job knowledge, and communication skills.
The AF Form 707 includes several sections that assess different aspects of an officer’s performance. These sections include overall performance, specific accomplishments, and areas for improvement. Supervisors are required to fill out this form at least once a year for each officer under their command. The evaluations provided on AF Form 707 are used to determine promotions, assignments, and other career advancement opportunities within the Air Force.
Overall, AF Form 707 plays a critical role in ensuring that the Air Force maintains a high standard of excellence among its officers. By providing detailed assessments of an officer’s strengths and weaknesses, this form helps the Air Force identify talented leaders who have demonstrated exceptional skills in their jobs while also identifying areas where further training or development may be needed.
What is the Purpose of AF Form 707?
The AF Form 707 serves as an official record of an officer’s performance during a specific period, such as one year. This form is used to document the officer’s accomplishments and areas for improvement based on their duties and responsibilities. It also provides feedback to the officer about their job performance which can help in future promotions.
This form is critical because it allows superior officers to evaluate subordinates’ ability and potential for further advancement within the military ranks. The information contained in this report can be used during promotion boards, selection panels or other personnel actions that may affect a member’s career progression. Furthermore, the AF Form 707 plays a vital role in ensuring that personnel records are up-to-date, accurate and complete which is essential for making informed decisions regarding military assignments.
In summary, AF Form 707 serves as a comprehensive tool that captures all aspects of an officer’s performance over a given period. This form aims to provide constructive feedback and assist with identifying strengths and weaknesses while providing support for career development within the military ranks.
Where Can I Find a AF Form 707?
AF Form 707, also known as the Officer Performance Report (OPR), is a critical document used to evaluate the performance of officers in the United States Air Force. The form is designed to provide an accurate and comprehensive assessment of an officer’s abilities, accomplishments, and potential for future development. If you need to get your hands on a copy of AF Form 707, there are several options available.
One option is to visit the official website of the Air Force e-Publishing Library. Here, you can access a range of official Air Force forms and publications online. Another option is to contact your unit’s administrative office or personnel department directly. They should be able to provide you with a blank copy of AF Form 707 that you can fill out according to your needs.
Finally, if all else fails, consider reaching out to other military personnel who have experience filling out AF Form 707. They may be able to offer tips or advice on where to find the form or how best to complete it accurately and effectively. With these options in mind, getting your hands on a copy of AF Form 707 should be relatively straightforward – so don’t hesitate!
AF Form 707 – Officer Performance Report (Lt Thru Col)
The AF Form 707 is a performance report used by the United States Air Force to evaluate the job performance of officers at the rank of Lieutenant through Colonel. The form is divided into several sections, each of which addresses different aspects of an officer’s performance, including leadership, communication skills, personal and professional development, and mission accomplishment.
One key aspect of the AF Form 707 is its emphasis on providing objective feedback that can be used to guide an officer’s career development. This is achieved through a rigorous review process that involves input from multiple sources, including supervisors, peers, and subordinates. The resulting report provides a comprehensive assessment of an officer’s strengths and weaknesses and serves as a foundation for future growth and improvement.
Given its importance in shaping an officer’s career trajectory within the Air Force, it is critical that those responsible for completing AF Form 707s take their responsibilities seriously. This requires careful attention to detail and a commitment to fairness and objectivity in evaluating an officer’s performance. Ultimately, the goal of the AF Form 707 is not only to provide valuable feedback to individual officers but also to ensure that the Air Force has strong leaders who are capable of fulfilling its vital mission both now and in the future.
AF Form 707 Example